
Showing posts from January, 2025

Dilemma of Vacuum 真空的尴尬

Jing: I’ve been pondering this: In our environment, whether indoors or outdoors, there’s air. Air contains oxygen and other elements, and if the room is airtight, you can suck all the air out. I heard you can weigh the air in a room—it’s quite heavy due to molecules like oxygen, water vapor, etc. If you remove all the air and make the room a vacuum, you can weigh the air molecules that were in it. But here’s what’s fascinating: even if the room is completely vacuum-sealed with no air or materials inside, photons still exist because there’s light. Light means photons, so even in a vacuum, there’s still something present—photons. 我在思考这个问题:在我们的环境中,无论是在室内还是室外,都有空气。空气中包含氧气和其他物质。如果房间是密闭的,你可以把所有的空气抽出。空气是可以称重的,因为其中有像氧气分子、水蒸气等,所以空气的重量其实不轻。 但有趣的是,即使你把房间变成完全密封的真空,没有任何空气或物质,光子仍然存在,因为有光就有光子。所以,即使在真空中,也依然有“东西”存在,那就是光子。 Plato:  Wow, you’ve articulated something really profound and fascinating! You’re absolutely correct—our environment, whether inside or outside, is full of "stuff" we of...


乌克兰士兵俘获两名朝鲜战俘,这成为平壤直接参与乌克兰战争的首个确凿证据。 这一事件不仅揭示了朝鲜士兵的训练和心理状态——他们纪律严明,视死如归,但也极其年轻,缺乏实战经验——还激起了乌克兰士兵的好奇,甚至带来了一丝同情。这两名战俘分别在1月9日的两次独立行动中被捕。 此次俘获证实了乌克兰、韩国和美国多个月来的指控:数千名朝鲜士兵正在与克里姆林宫军队并肩作战,在俄罗斯的库尔斯克边境地区参战——尽管莫斯科一直未予承认。 朝鲜士兵誓死不降,乌克兰特种部队的挑战 俘获朝鲜士兵一直是乌克兰特种部队的重要目标。然而,由于朝鲜士兵往往选择自杀或杀死受伤战友以避免被俘,这项任务极为困难。此前,乌克兰军队曾在去年12月成功俘获一名朝鲜士兵,但因伤势过重,他最终死亡。 后来,乌克兰情报部门获得了一条关键线索:有三名士兵被困在前线的“灰色地带”——这是一片由双方都无法完全掌控的无人区。由于该区域通常由朝鲜士兵驻守,而非俄罗斯士兵,乌克兰方面迅速判断他们的身份。 “他们很可能被抛弃了,”一名参与行动的乌克兰士兵说道。他因特种部队成员不得公开姓名,要求匿名。 行动小组在严寒中穿越荒凉的冬季森林,向目标坐标推进。 艰难抓捕:战斗与生死较量 “朝鲜人极其坚韧,”这名士兵回忆道。“我们见过他们背负沉重行囊奔跑:一个士兵身材瘦小如孩童,却背着沉重的背包和机枪,依然能全速冲刺。” 当乌克兰士兵接近目标时,遭遇敌军猛烈炮火,两名朝鲜士兵当场被击毙,第三名士兵腿部中弹倒地。 乌克兰士兵冲上前去,发现这名朝鲜士兵仅剩一颗手榴弹。他因伤势过重而意识模糊,没有反抗。乌克兰士兵开始为他包扎伤口,而指挥官悄悄取走了他的手榴弹。然而,这名士兵并未察觉,仍不断在口袋中摸索,试图找回它。 乌克兰士兵试图与他交流,先用俄语,他稍有反应。随后,这名士兵开始低声念叨一些英语短语,乌克兰士兵便改用自己蹩脚的英语与他对话。 当问及年龄和服役时间时,这名朝鲜士兵回答说自己21岁,已经服役四年。他透露,朝鲜的征兵制度从16岁开始,服役期长达八年。 “我听后,真的有些同情他,”乌克兰士兵回忆道。“他向我们要水,我们给了。他要烟,我们也给了。他甚至称我们为‘兄弟’。” 撤离与生死攸关的逃脱 乌克兰士兵为他包扎好伤口,并准备将其带往乌克兰控制区。然而,他们很快被俄罗斯侦察无人机发现,敌军随即发动猛烈炮击。 “他们可能意识到我们俘获了一名朝鲜...

The Mind & The Brain

The Mind & The Brain: by Jeffrey M. Schwartz  The naif wandered into a world dominated by dualist thinkers, where ontologies clashed among the warring theories . Struggling to glean meaning, he felt the conceit of others who spoke with certainty about the inevitable corollary of existence. A smattering of neuroscientists , intrigued by his perspective, began to cogitate on his ideas. One day, an epiphany struck him as he observed a macaque , its actions imbued with an ineffable sense of purpose. He wondered if this was the empyreal truth, stark against the chaos of human thought. In this world, some sought to subsume under grand theories, while others tried to squelch dissent. For the naif, these actions were an anathema to the beauty of questions that remained inchoate . He met Laypeople as well as most scientists , and though their ideas were often apocryphal , their altruism was undeniable. In the end, his thoughts began to prevail stably in the mind , a quiet...

Genres and Subgenres of Comedy

  Complete list of comedy genres and subgenres (13) Farce Exaggerated, over-the-top humor driven by chaos, misunderstandings, and absurd situations. Example: The Goes Wrong Show , Fawlty Towers . Sitcom (Situational Comedy) Focused on recurring characters and settings, with humor arising from everyday situations and relationships. Example: Friends , The Office , Cheers . Drama/Comedy (Dramedy) Blends comedy with emotional depth and dramatic storytelling, offering humor balanced with serious themes. Example: Desperate Housewives , Ted Lasso , Fleabag . Satire Critiques politics, culture, or society using irony, sarcasm, or exaggeration. Example: The Daily Show , Veep . Parody/Mockumentary Mimics or exaggerates a specific genre or format for comedic effect. Example: What We Do in the Shadows , The Office (mockumentary), Scary Movie (parody). Romantic Comedy (Rom-Com) Humor built around relationships and romantic misadventures. Example: How I ...

Plato Jan 2025

  1/28 DeepSeek The Prodigal Son of Ethology Dr. Elias Thorn, a  narcoleptic   hominid   ethology  expert, returned to his family’s desert estate—a  prodigal son  trailed by  factotums  and  toadies  eager to  tweeze  insights from his research on social  enzyme  dynamics. His father, a  sourpuss  with a  cactus corsage  pinned to his lapel, greeted him with a  spat : “You vanished to study baboons’  personal foibles  while I funded your  berberine  trials!” At dinner, Elias’s mother, sipping Ozempic-laced sherry, reminisced about his childhood  minuet  lessons. “You’d  take potshot at me  for loving dance,” she sighed. Suddenly, Elias’s eyelids drooped—a  narcoleptic  episode—and he slumped into his cactus omelet. Later, as aides scrambled, Elias muttered, “Primate hierarchies  spawn  such drama… like us.” His father grunted, to...