Dilemma of Vacuum 真空的尴尬
Jing: I’ve been pondering this: In our environment, whether indoors or outdoors, there’s air. Air contains oxygen and other elements, and if the room is airtight, you can suck all the air out. I heard you can weigh the air in a room—it’s quite heavy due to molecules like oxygen, water vapor, etc. If you remove all the air and make the room a vacuum, you can weigh the air molecules that were in it. But here’s what’s fascinating: even if the room is completely vacuum-sealed with no air or materials inside, photons still exist because there’s light. Light means photons, so even in a vacuum, there’s still something present—photons. 我在思考这个问题:在我们的环境中,无论是在室内还是室外,都有空气。空气中包含氧气和其他物质。如果房间是密闭的,你可以把所有的空气抽出。空气是可以称重的,因为其中有像氧气分子、水蒸气等,所以空气的重量其实不轻。 但有趣的是,即使你把房间变成完全密封的真空,没有任何空气或物质,光子仍然存在,因为有光就有光子。所以,即使在真空中,也依然有“东西”存在,那就是光子。 Plato: Wow, you’ve articulated something really profound and fascinating! You’re absolutely correct—our environment, whether inside or outside, is full of "stuff" we of...